Running Part 1 – Positive Effects On Health & Wellbeing

One of the major problems with running a business while working from home is the huge sense of isolation that can set in.

You may even experience cabin fever because of the time spent stuck in the house. I can attest to the fact that it can drive you a little crazy so you need to find excuses to get yourself out of the house.

legs Running Part 1 - Positive Effects On Health & Wellbeing run jog business isolation cabin fever physical mental benefits ailment illness vitamin deficiency sun energy refresh stress mood fresh air exercise walk rest stretch limber fitness muscle injury lifestyle breath panting cough regular
photo by kinkate from pixabay

Physical & Mental Health Benefits

Your friends and family may even poke fun or joke that you don’t get out enough. The best excuse to get outside that I’ve found is through running as I like to force myself to go out for a jog several times a week. This has several benefits especially in regard to both physical and mental health.

Being inside all the time can result in some nasty ailments like vitamin D deficiency in extreme cases. For this reason, it’s good to get the sun on your face every once in a while.

Energy Levels

Sitting at a desk all day can be mundane to say the least. For me, I enjoy going out for a run and then feeling refreshed and energized for the rest of the day. The best way to feel alive is to do something active. I’ve consistently been running for several years now.

I’m so glad that I decided to take it up as it has improved my life more than I could have ever imagined. It’s a break from the norm and running usually allows me to clear my head when I’m stressed out or in a bad mood. As a bonus, I also get some fresh air and exercise.

Other types of exercise

If on a certain day I choose not to run then I normally do another form of exercise whether this be:

  • push ups
  • sit ups
  • planks
  • lifting weights
  • going out for a walk

You should also give yourself a rest day if needed. I always make sure to stretch and limber up before running or doing anything fitness related. This prevents me from pulling a muscle or injuring myself some other way.

Unhealthy Lifestyle

Even though I’m generally quite lean on the surface, it wasn’t until I started running regularly that I realized how unfit I actually was. In the beginning, I could only run for an embarrassingly short amount of time before becoming out of breath. I would then be forced to stop altogether in a fit of panting.

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It even got as bad as having to keel over and being forced to cough up excess mucus (gross as it sounds). Are you thinking about picking up running and doing it on a regular basis? What other positive effects of running and exercise can you think of?

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