Simple Baking Recipes With A Few Cheap Ingredients Part 1

I think pretty much everyone has experienced the feeling of being hungry. They would then search for food in their kitchen only to find bare cupboards and a half empty refrigerator. After all, there isn’t a lot you can do with one clove of garlic and a jar of mustard on their own.

cutlery Simple Baking Recipes With A Few Cheap Ingredients Part 1 save money recipe hungry food kitchen cupboards refrigerator shop items spend groceries books websites meal ideas easy basic low cost cook pie flour sugar margarine butter water milk eggs price store supermarket sweet dessert pudding cookies tart biscuits BBC blogs free fast convenience prepare delivery service wash
photo by sontung57 from pixabay

Holding off on the next food shop

It can be tough to know what to do with the limited items you have left at your disposal without having to spend money on another grocery shop. I go through this from time to time. In response, I have turned to recipe books and websites for simple meal ideas that don’t require complicated ingredients.

Bake with what you already have

I’m pleased to report that I have discovered some very easy recipes that require only a few basic ingredients. The best part is that many of these ingredients are the low cost essentials. Most households should commonly have these in their food stores anyway.

You might be missing one or two things. Nevertheless, many ingredients can be substituted or sometimes removed completely. This fine as long as they are not vital to the recipe itself.

Obviously, you don’t want to remove something that is instrumental to the structure of whatever it is your cooking. You can easily make apple pie without the use of cinnamon, for example. Some of the most basic baking recipes only require:

  • flour (plain or self-raising)
  • sugar
  • margarine or butter
  • water
  • milk
  • eggs

You can get pretty much all of these ingredients for a low price at most food stores and supermarkets if you shop around.

Recipe Ideas

I personally have always had quite a sweet tooth. This why many of the recipes I have attempted have been desserts and other sweet treats. Some of the easiest ones in my opinion that I have successfully made include:

  • bread pudding
  • chocolate chip cookies
  • egg custard tart
  • fruit pies
  • oat biscuits

I got most of my ideas from useful resources like the BBC Good Food website and various other blogs that provide free recipes.

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Clearly, cooking or baking something from scratch isn’t the fastest or the most convenient way of preparing a meal. This is especially true with the existence of food delivery services like Just Eat. In addition, there seems to be McDonald’s restaurants constantly springing up within a few miles of each other.

There’s also the dreaded chore of washing dishes too (which I pretty sure nobody likes). Do you typically buy baking ingredients when you are running low on food? Can you think of any more easy recipes that I could try?

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