Our Goals for 2023 Part 2: Promotion & Marketing Techniques

Our goals for next year aren’t solely just going to be of the content variety (even though that is a big part of being a blogger). I also need to focus on improving other aspects of the website as well if I want to achieve success.

This can encompass a lot of different departments including marketing, advertising and promotion (among other things). Obviously, people can’t read the content on here if they don’t know it exists.

Content is king

Given the more hectic posting schedule I’ve enforced on myself, I will do my best to maintain the quality of my writing. I will attempt to do this while pushing to publish more often.

I have found that creating exceptional, top drawer content is one of the best ways of getting backlinks from other websites. I’m beginning to comprehend the importance of writing articles. For instance, this might be content so high in quality that they blow the competition out of the water.

Other people will feel that they almost have no choice but to link to it if the content really is that good. Clearly, this is easier said than done.

Bigging up our neglected pages

On top of this, I want to find a way of making our hire me and write for us pages more popular. Admittedly, these are both new additions this year. I understand that they haven’t had as much time to gain traction just yet when compared to older, more established pages.

I think the most impactful way I will probably achieve this exposure is through internal linking. If I link them up to the most viewed pages on the site then people will be more likely to see and use these features by association.

Guest Posting

For the first time this year, I have made an attempt to try out guest posting. I’ve heard about its effectiveness for other bloggers over the years so I thought I should at least give it a try. Unfortunately, many of my enquiries have been fruitless despite my emails trying to reach out to individuals.

However, I aim to continue this endeavour in 2023. I hope to one day successfully post something on another person’s blog or website and get some notoriety from it.

Weekly Email Newsletter

I also want to work towards improving my email marketing campaigns after experiencing several issues and stumbling blocks. Interestingly, this problem has somewhat fixed itself after the introduction of my new blog. My subscribers automatically receive an email update every time I publish a new blog post.

I don’t have many people subscribed to blog just yet. For this reason, I think it would be wise to make growing this particular contacts list one of my goals for 2023 too.

Furthermore, I want to make more of an effort to leave comments on other blogs as a way of promoting my own website. Some blogs don’t allow you to leave comments due to issues with spam. Although, most of the ones that do will also let you include a link to a website.

Do you think that guest blogging and email marketing goals are worthwhile for a blogger? What do you think is the most effective way of promoting this website?

Related Posts:

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Our Problems With Email Marketing & The Weekly Newsletter

Guest Posting Part 1 – Misconceptions & Experimentation

Guest Posting Part 2 – Progress & Organization

Guest Posting Part 3 – Money, Ethics & Morality