Laptop Malfunction Part 1: Shopping & Admiring Longevity

As a writer and website owner, my laptop is essentially my best friend whenever I need to work. I have both a tablet and smartphone (that are useful in their own ways). Although, there are certain tasks that even those devices aren’t able to handle alone.

A lot of this comes down to whether or not I can type things up quickly on a keyboard. As you can imagine, this is especially fiddly on smaller, handheld devices. If anything negative were to happen to my main computer (which unfortunately it has) then it would make my job a whole lot more difficult.

Purchasing my laptop

I originally bought my current laptop back in 2015. It has functioned pretty well for the last 7 or so years albeit with a few minor hiccups (mostly to do with unresponsiveness).

The computer itself is a HP stream 11. In my effort to save money, I bought it brand new for a very low price. This was during the Black Friday sale of that year (if I remember correctly).

Managing Expectations

This is very much a low-end laptop at best as it is mainly tailored towards children and students. There are certain things that it can’t do as well. This is especially glaring when compared to other more expensive, premium computers on the market.

Making it last

I am proud of the general durability of the machine itself. In my opinion, it was actually a bargain given how reliable it has been over the last few years.

In addition, I should have expected this with all the positive customer reviews. I wisely took these testimonials into account while doing research before my purchase.

I also think part of this has to do with how well I’ve looked after the laptop. I took special care to ensue that I wasn’t using it in a reckless way that would potentially cause long-term damage.

Drop in productivity

I began having serious problems with my laptop not so long ago. These issues were so severe that they completely stopped me in my tracks.

They created a major roadblock not just for my working day, but during the whole week too. I had no choice but to address this right away if I wanted to be productive in my job again.

It seems like the older a computer gets, the more obsolete it eventually becomes. This due to the gradual issues that start to develop because of its age.

You can’t really get too mad about this as it also naturally happens over time with other gadgets and electrical appliances. How long have you owned your current laptop? What has your experience been like when shopping for a computer?

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