Why Charismatic Streamers Thrive More Than Most On Twitch

by Admin Joe

published – Dec 12th 2022

Among your highest paid rivals, the right conditions exist in this environment for all sorts of different personality types to occupy the many competitive streams and profit.

Any one Twitch streamer can generate real money remotely from their computer in the process without too many problems. In this very real job, you can have the qualities of:

  • a gregarious showman who will joke and rage while you play to earn with video games like Call of Duty from home
  • a much more low-key creator who offers chilled-out, quality ASMR sessions to their viewership for money
  • any other viable ideas or techniques in between that can bring in fame and income on your journey

The choice is yours, but there are legitimate tweaks you can make in your attitude at entry level. This can provide perks and positively affect the growth of your earnings.

If you plan to make a living, these small but important changes are worth it for influencers in terms of future development and value. They will open up opportunities and benefits helping both your popularity grow, causing your streams to excel too.

illuminated Why Charismatic Streamers Thrive More Than Most On Twitch earn work jobs make money online from home gaming computer video games streamer personality showmanship gregarious joke attitude popularity profile interests private description image picture avatar face live streaming persona formal informal serious natural charisma remote business professional introvert extrovert upbeat sociable silence talking people engage outgoing openness camera friendly politeness voice public speaking tone
photo by geralt from pixabay

A guide to creating a detailed twitch profile to boost your career

For those who have questions, you can easily tell subs about yourself and your interests on your profile page. Although, a streamer can keep this minimal if they are more on the private side. Viewers want to know more about the creator so ensure that your profile is filled out in-depth along with:

  • a description
  • FAQs
  • an image for your avatar

Within twitch culture, it’s up to you whether you show your face or not. On the other hand, there’s probably no real reason why you wouldn’t seeing as you’re live streaming yourself anyway.

How to monetize your personality for a home based full time salary

It will be simpler to be whatever is closer to your natural persona. So many streamers are playing the exact same game but only a few are fortunate enough to get eyes on them.

This leads me to believe that it’s not just about the specific game being played at all, but more about the person playing. This might be true whether it be Grand Theft Auto, Red Dead Redemption 2 or whatever else.

A creator can be informal and jovial or you can be a more serious guru leading people by the hand through the intricacies of a game. If you want to reap the rewards, don’t necessarily be what you think people want.

Without doing anything to break rules and get yourself banned, best practices show that you should let your natural personality shine through and be your genuine self. People tend to eventually see through those who aren’t being up front. If you are seen to be putting on an act then this can garner criticism.

Viewers can even react negatively to this and perceive it as deception or a lack of respect. There are also horror stories of streamers throwing cats and yelling at babies. This will clearly be a turn off for twitch users so keep that in mind.

How charisma helps a remote business of a top streamer make money

In a way, the most viewed streamers play the role of entertainers. For this reason, I believe this job would be more suitable if you are a socially outgoing extrovert rather than a natural introvert. Being one of the richest twitch creators out there requires a level of showmanship that you need to be prepared for.

Think about whether or not you would be happy about having this upbeat attitude day in and day out. You can clearly see and hear most of the top streamers so it is probably best to be as sociable as you can with your audience.

It’s a bad idea to have long periods of silence during your stream (or “dead air” as they call it in show business). Continue talking in order to keep your audience engaged.

So much of live streaming involves talking and dealing with people. You often need to be quite a gregarious, socially outgoing person to do well here.

Legit tips on openness in professional work for beginners online

It’s not mandatory for a streamer to show their face on twitch to your sub count. Although, you might gain more popularity and earn more money at home if you do. Viewers like to see the man or woman behind the stream.

You don’t necessarily need a camera to earn money. However, the twitch community like to see a friendly face in order to forge a connection with you. The viewer isn’t simply just sticking around just to watch somebody play a game for cash. They need to engage with the creator via their face and voice.

If this level of publicity isn’t to your taste then I wouldn’t fret. There are plenty of other ways to make money with gaming besides twitch streaming. One of the simplest methods I know is through rewards apps like mistplay. This company literally pays you to play mobile games on on most electronic devices.

This app won’t make you a fortune but there are plenty of other professions within the gaming industry that can offer you a good living.

To give yourself a fighting chance, I would recommend checking jobscan in order to sharpen your job hunting skills. This website will advise you for the job interview and also optimize your resume.

Get paid with a good speaking voice when gaming & live streaming

Make sure that you speak your thoughts aloud. The viewers can then see what your strategy is (while playing Overwatch say) and how you generally operate.

Try to speak clearly without mumbling and also in a lighter tone of voice (like the most subscribed female players). Some argue that this is much more pleasing to listen to rather than something deep and monotone.

There are always more tips and advice that you can pick up about twitch streaming as well as other ways of making money by playing video games. In my opinion, the best way to accomplish this is through reading. I suggest reading this book in particular if you want to further educate yourself.

playstation Why Charismatic Streamers Thrive More Than Most On Twitch earn work jobs make money online from home gaming computer video games streamer personality showmanship gregarious joke attitude popularity profile interests private description image picture avatar face live streaming persona formal informal serious natural charisma remote business professional introvert extrovert upbeat sociable silence talking people engage outgoing openness camera friendly politeness voice public speaking tone
photo by StockSnap from pixabay

Similar to websites like YouTube, Twitch can be a welcome home for the introvert, extrovert and anyone in between who wants to earn a living.

Although, it may be more suitable or easy for the socially outgoing because of the general nature of the platform. This is also relevant when thinking about what is expected from successful streamers.

Being charismatic and having good people skills is a major sticking point given the typical job description of a number one twitch creator. Twitch viewers tend to support and reward you the more open you are with your life. This can be especially hard for those who only have the hours to do this part time on the side.

Some of the most followed creators even fulfill the responsibilities and requirements allowing them to earn six figures. You don’t have to lay out all of your darkest secrets to your follower count if you want to be the biggest and the best.

Although, the typical twitch subscribers like to know more about who they are seeing and hearing. Bear in mind that none of these options or guidelines that I’ve talked about mean changing your personality completely if you want to keep up with the competition.

With experience, I suggest that you figure out what kind of twitch content and niches work best for your personality type. This may take a little experimentation on your part but it is worth the time spent when starting from scratch.

Your level of outgoingness will sometimes dictate the type of content you are best suited to. It’s best to determine this early on and learn How Twitch Streamers Find The Best Niche & Games To Play.

Do you consider yourself to be socially outgoing? How would you generally describe your personality type? Please don’t forget to share this with your friends and like it on social media. You can subscribe to our newsletter and comment below too. Thanks for reading!

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