Do Flyer Distributors Earn More Money Going Freelance?

by Admin Joe

published – Dec 28th 2018

The main goal of any job is to make money. Of course, the worker will want to get the most earnings possible for their work. Freelancing in any line of work can have its risks.

Although, if you are a flyer distributor then I find freelance work can pay you a much more generous wage. This is true if you take the right steps.

The real beauty of freelance work is that you get to decide your own fees. However, this doesn’t mean your customers will pay the set price if they find it unreasonable. Obviously, you can’t force them to do that so you will need to find a balance that will please both parties.

Sara_Horowitz,_Founder_and_CEO_of_the_Freelancers_Union sara horowitz Do Flyer Distributors Earn More Money Going Freelance? freelance biller billing brochure business cards catalog deliver delivery distributing distribution door drop earn jobs leaflet leafleter magazine make money marketing menus newspaper poster sell selling tasks
Sara Horowitz by Hollidaysburg from Wikimedia Commons

“You can think of freelancing as volatile and risky, or as flexible and opportunity-rich.
Doesn’t having multiple sources of income and multiple moneymaking skills sound less risky than putting all your eggs in one employer’s basket?” Sara Horowitz (Writer & Founder of Freelancers Union)

Obviously, freelancing in any occupation comes with added danger. Although, at the same time you might find that the risks you take will allow you to reap the big rewards. It’s worth trying in the end even if you fail because you can learn from every experience.

Statistics show that flyer distribution marketing works much better than television advertising. This is relevant to many other marketing mediums and it is topped only by press advertising.

This gives you a general idea of its power and how much money there is in circulation. The cash in question could potentially be coming your way if you play your cards right.

Let’s now take a deeper dive into the world of freelance work within flyer distribution. We can also see how it differs from being an employee for a company in terms of benefits and drawbacks.

Freelance_Work_Theme-2 Do Flyer Distributors Earn More Money Going Freelance? freelance biller billing brochure business cards catalog deliver delivery distributing distribution door drop earn jobs leaflet leafleter magazine make money marketing menus newspaper poster sell selling tasks

Can I choose my own wages as a freelance distributor?

Freelance flyer distributors have the freedom to set their fee at whatever amount they like. I know this because I’ve tried this before as a freelancer. Cool, right? I can almost see you jumping around with excitement, however there are big caveats to this.

It’s very much a balancing act. Be sure not to charge too much or too little for your flyer delivery services. I had to learn this the hard way. You need to be competitive with your rival flyer distributors without scaring customers away at the same time.

I suggest that you start off charging a low fee first and foremost. As soon as you gather up a large base of customers and your good reputation as a freelancer grows, you can gradually increase this fee.

You don’t want to keep your own freelance work fees too low for too long as it can work against you. You will find yourself with an overabundance of customers.

If you become super popular, you will eventually become snowed under with too much work. You should increase your fee very gradually when the time is right.

Do freelancers earn more money than other distributors?

Why do freelancers earn more money? The wage for a flyer distributor who doesn’t work freelance will always be very limited.

Flyer distribution employees will likely earn their pay per hour like any other employee. It probably won’t increase unless they earn additional sales commission. The employer will always dictate their hourly rate unless you work for yourself.


How do freelance distributors receive their earnings?

When do freelancers get paid? You will have to arrange a payment method with the client so that it suits both parties. If you are working for yourself then it might be wise to ask for your fee upfront. This is just in case of any funny business. It’s logical just in case any dodgy clients try to stiff you.

Your client may be a little hesitant to this. I suggest that you maybe meet them in the middle. Organize a “50% before and 50% after you finish the job” arrangement. This might be a more desirable compromise. Trust runs both ways so keep in mind that the client won’t want the flyer distributor stiffing them either.

How do freelancers get paid? If you source your freelance jobs online then you can usually arrange payment through PayPal or a bank transfer like I do. Go with a safe payment method that can make both parties feel secure.

[bctt tweet=”Statistically, distribution marketing works better than TV advertising & many other types of marketing. It is topped only by press advertising.” username=””]

Can I really work for myself as a flyer distributor?

Yes, you can either do this or you can apply for a flyer distribution job at a company. Each route has its advantages and disadvantages. Sometimes people refer to self-employment as freelance work.

I know for a fact that freelancers need to find a steady supply of customers in order to get regular work. Flyer distribution employees don’t have to concern themselves with this. Their bosses will provide all the work with no effort on the workers part.

Where can I advertise my flyer distribution services?

A self-employed flyer distributor can market themselves in many ways, both online and off. I recommend that you tell your friends and let them spread it around through word of mouth.

You can even advertise your flyer distribution services … through distributing a flyer. Smell that irony and let it fill your lungs.

Freelancers have it slightly harder. They need to go out of their way to promote themselves whereas employees don’t have to do this.

Can I promote myself online as a freelance worker?

The internet is also a great place to promote your flyer distribution business for free. There are so many websites for you to utilize.

The world wide web can even reach people around the world. You wouldn’t be able to reach these folks through traditional advertising methods. If I were you, I would probably start with social media platforms like facebook and twitter. You can then branch out from there.

Freelancing websites like Fiverr will allow you to accept work from customers. This site will even help you promote your flyer distribution services too. I know this because I’ve used this website before.

Paris_Advertising advertising marketing promoting Do Flyer Distributors Earn More Money Going Freelance? freelance biller billing brochure business cards catalog deliver delivery distributing distribution door drop earn jobs leaflet leafleter magazine make money marketing menus newspaper poster sell selling tasks
photo by Nich Marketing from Wikimedia Commons

This should now have given you a more detailed perspective on being a freelance flyer distributor. Hopefully, it will help you decide whether you want to distribute while working for yourself or someone else.

We can learn that the way flyer distribution freelancers earn money as opposed to regular employees is very different in a lot of ways.

I recommend that your next step should be to learn more about freelance jobs in general. You can then apply it to your flyer distribution work. Research exactly where you can promote and offer your freelance services as a flyer distributor. There are lots of options out there.

From now on, we know a little about how payment works for freelance flyer distributors. However, have you ever wondered How Driven Flyer Distributors Earn Bonuses, Commission & Freebies?

Are you prepared to promote and advertise your services? Do you prefer to work as an employee or as a freelancer? Please don’t forget to share this with your friends and comment below. Thanks for reading!

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