What Are The Duties & Responsibilities Of A Flyer Distributor?

by Admin Joe

published – Oct 26th 2018

As an outsider, you may believe you have a firm grasp of what a flyer or catalog distributor actually does. At least on a surface level anyway.

They just go around stuffing flyers through doors to people who don’t want them, right bro?” Yes and no. That’s a very simplified way of putting it. Surprisingly, there is more to flyer and leaflet distribution than meets the eye.

Of course, there are the standard habitual day-to-day activities that flyer distributors must complete. The same goes for any other conventional day job.

Distributors deliver lots of different advertisements to different people. They do this in different places at different times. I can tell you from experience that there are various kinds of distribution jobs that require you to do a diverse range of tasks. Some good, some bad.

You may have an interest in becoming a flyer distributor like I once was. If this is the case then you are in the right place, my friend.

Allow me to go more in-depth into the types of distribution tasks you would be carrying out in this line of work. More importantly, you can then gauge whether leaflet distribution is really for you or not. Let’s take a gander together.

What Are The Duties & Responsibilities Of A Flyer Distributor biller billing brochure business cards catalog deliver delivery distributing distribution door drop earn jobs leaflet leafleter magazine make money marketing menus newspaper poster sell selling tasks

what does a flyer & catalog distributor actually do?

This gig is very similar to that of the job of a post or mail man/woman with a little extra work. Flyer distribution isn’t just about, well … distributing. A very simplified way of breaking it all down would be this:

  1. Travel to distribution location
  2. Distribute flyers
  3. Return home from work
  4. Receive payment

I can tell you that there are other tasks to do as well. All this on top of the main job of the basic delivery of flyers, catalogs, leaflets, brochures and posters.

These other activities will mainly involve talking to the recipients of your distribution material. What does a flyer distributor do? If you are distributing then you may also be:

  • knocking on doors
  • talking to recipients
  • taking orders
  • collecting returned catalogs
  • obtaining leads and sales
  • asking for charity donations

When does a flyer distributor work? Distribution work offers you a very decent work/life balance. I have found you can choose your own hours more often than not. Clearly, you will be working outside most of the time just like a mystery shopper does.

[bctt tweet=”Catalog distributors need to have certain attributes like good communication skills and decent physical fitness” via=”no”]

Do catalog distributors have to sell anything?

You won’t just be speaking to recipients, you will be selling to them as well. I should make you aware that some catalog distributor don’t get paid hourly. This forces them to chase sales commission instead.

You will definitely need to sell to people if your particular distribution job involves earning sales commission. You might need to answer any questions too. It’s best to educate yourself about the advertisement you will give them.

The selling aspect specifically revolves around catalog and brochure distribution work, mainly. Not only do distributors have to distribute, they also have to collect catalogs and order forms.

You will be convincing your customers to buy products and services from a catalog, for example. In a lot of ways it’s twice as much distribution work. However, at the same time that means twice as much pay too. You will earn more for giving the extra effort due to bonus payments and commission.

door to door What Are The Duties & Responsibilities Of A Flyer Distributor biller billing brochure business cards catalog deliver delivery distributing distribution door drop earn jobs leaflet leafleter magazine make money marketing menus newspaper poster sell selling tasks giving receiving payments returns refunds eBay eCommerce online selling
photo by Hloom Templates from flickr

Will distributors need to do any research?

My distribution advice is do your homework. For these reasons, it’s wise to inform yourself about what it is you are distributing. Explain how it can benefit the customer as I’ve already mentioned. This will make your life easier.

It will also make the customer instill loyalty and confidence in you. This is true because they will know that you know what you’re talking about.

You need to be able to persuade and convince people like any good salesman (and distributor) would. This might not be for you. Think it through long and hard before you apply for this type of sales-based distribution work.


How often do distributors need to meet with employers?

You will sometimes go to see your distribution employer for performance reviews. Your boss may also need to meet up with you so you can collect your wages. You won’t need to do this if it is already set up automatically. They may already pay you through bank transfer or whichever other method of payment.

How will I collect flyers & catalogs before distribution?

You may be distributing flyers, posters or leaflets. If so then you will need to collect them from your employer somehow. You obviously need to do this before you distribute them out to recipients.

This can be a hassle. However, you can arrange to have them dropped off at your home address (like I have before). You might have another easy location in mind if not at home.  This is lot more convenient for the employee.

Fun fact – people in the distribution industry sometimes refer to poster distributors as “billers“. Someone may say to you, “You there, biller! Be a good man and distribute these posters around town and I will compensate you with 1000 gold coins for your valiant efforts.” If they ever say something along these lines then you now know what they’re talking about.

[bctt tweet=”Flyer distribution offers you a good work/life balance because you can mostly choose your own hours” via=”no”]

Is there anything else that flyer distributors need to do?

Some flyer distribution companies will offer additional printing and design services. You won’t have to worry about this work as you are not responsible for it if you are a flyer distributor.

Your main concern is delivering flyers, catalogs and leaflets from door to door. You can indeed find work in those other fields mentioned if they interest you. Although, we’re not here to talk about that right now.

What should I do next?

You now know the ins and outs of what a flyer distributor does so let’s now put that into action. You can either do distribution jobs by working for yourself or as an employee for someone else.

If you want to go freelance then I highly recommend that you use Fiverr. You can easily advertise your services as a flyer distributor on this reputable website.

radio shack What Are The Duties & Responsibilities Of A Flyer Distributor biller billing brochure business cards catalog deliver delivery distributing distribution door drop earn jobs leaflet leafleter magazine make money marketing menus newspaper poster sell selling tasks
radio shack catalog by Mike Mozart from flickr

This should give a better idea surrounding the duties and responsibilities of a flyer distributor. Not the piece of cake you first thought, is it?

As you can see, flyer distribution isn’t as simple as just being the delivery man or woman. There is a hell of a lot more to it. Especially, when you think about interacting with the people who receive the advertising material that you dish out.

We can learn there is so much more to distribution work than handing out flyers and leaflets. There are many other tasks for you to do such as door-to-door selling. This involves teaching yourself new skills as a distributor too.

We also know that catalog and leaflet distributors benefit from having certain attributes. These are things such as good communication skills and decent physical fitness.

I suggest your next step should be to exercise some self-improvement. If you don’t already have the characteristics necessary to take really advantage of distribution then it doesn’t really matter. This is because you can learn these skills nevertheless.

I recommend that you try reading books about flyer distribution and other areas you want to improve about yourself. You can then really excel at all aspects of a distribution job.

Do you think you have what it takes to be a distributor? What do you think would be the best and worst part about being a distributor? Please don’t forget to share this with your friends and comment below. Thanks for reading!

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